Warcry goes on preorder tomorrow and if you are really lucky, like I am, you got a copy from your FLGS (favorite local gaming store). The terrain in this boxed set is arguable the best part of the set and is easily the nicest I’ve ever seen for a skirmish game. The big rub is the instructions only show you 2 example pieces and don’t go over how to build all of the terrain so it matches the Terrain Deck. It’s a really odd choice if you ask me as the cards are meant to work with it. Having assembled the box. I can let you know how to assemble the kit and what pitfalls to avoid.

The instructions start with the bell piece. Don’t glue the stairs (part A6) to it like it tells you to in the instructions. The stairs should remain loose and are used that way on various cards in the Terrain Deck. Also, don’t glue the platform to the statue head or the glue the stairs (part D4) to the statue head platform. The instructions tell you to do this, but keep all 3 of those pieces separate. Like the bell, various cards use the statue head, platform, and stairs separately.
UPDATE: I also noticed there are a few cards that don’t use the back gate (part D7) on the platform that rests on the statue head. Don’t glue this piece in. It’ll fit in on it’s own. See the image below.

For the ruins, there are 4 main ones in the set and assembling them like the image above matches the battlefield layouts in the Terrain Deck and utilizes all pieces on the sprues. This is an amazing kit and there are a lot of options on how to assemble it. I can’t wait to see what people do with this set. It would be excellent for use in Mordheim for example.

Ruin A
There are instructions on how to create this ruin (it shows as example A). I’ll repost here for the sake of completeness. Creating this ruin utilizes the following components:
Walls Pieces: B1, B2, B5, C1, C2, C5, C6
Floor Pieces: B6, B7

Ruin B
There are also instructions on how to create this ruin (it shows as example B), but it doesn’t tell you which floor piece to use. Creating this ruin requires the following components:
Wall Pieces: B1, B3, B4, B5, C4
Floor Piece: C7

Ruin C
This is the smallest of the ruins and uses the following components:
Wall Pieces: B2, B3, C3, C6
Floor Piece: C7

Ruin D
The final ruin in the kit uses the following components:
Wall Pieces: B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
Floor Pieces: B6, B7
Hopefully this saves you some time. We’ve been super excited for Warcry here at Waywalker Studios. We’ll be doing a LOT more coverage on this game in the near future including a painting guide on how to paint your terrain and some additional articles. We also have some new products in the pipeline to support the game as well. Stay tuned!