As I mentioned in a previous post, I was planning on creating a font for Warcry that contains all of the runemarks. While Warcry is a great game on it’s own, I feel it’s going to need support from the community in order to have some real longevity. Mordheim is still going strong 20 years later and has an amazing group on Facebook with over 8,000 members. Tuomas Pirinen–the games lead designer–just released a new Dramatis Personae: The Child of Light. If you remember the Mordheim lore, you know this means the Sisters of Sigmar succeeded in their quest!
Mordheim’s support was fostered by Games Workshop through their official Town Cryer Magazine. It’s where I got my start in the industry, and I’d love to see Warcry receive similar support, usher in the next generation of game designers, and amass its own cult following.

The font, which I aptly named Runemarks, is very much a work in progress. It’s missing quite a few runemarks, the spacing between the characters isn’t set correctly, and it has other issues. I’ve never created a font before so I’m learning as I go and I’ll be updating this in the future. The symbols are mapped to the number and letter keys. Once I get all of the symbols in there, I’ll spend time making the mapping make sense. I did manage to include the Warcry logo mapped to the “q” key. Below is an image of all of the current runemarks in the font.

I know this is rough, but I wanted to get this released so people can start working on their own homebrew content. The font is available in .ttf format and can be downloaded here. I’ll be updating this in the near future.